You will find some of our wines at the following restaurants:
Koukla: (wine bar): Nostos Assyrtiko, Petali red, Vorinos and Sera red
Mamakas Taverna: Nostos Romeïko
Select Bakery: Vorinos, Nostos Romeïko and Sera red
EVOO Greek Kitchen: Petali white and Nostos Romeïko
Estiatorio Kavos: Fragospito white, Kotsifali, Rapsani, MRS., Nostos Pink, Meth'Imon L, Apus and Tsikoudia
Mythos ouzeri: MRS., Sera white and red, Diamantopetra red and Codex red
Le Roseline - Bar à vin: Petali white, Vilana, Moschopolis 6, Mandilari and Meth'Imon L
Les Cavistes: Vilana, Mandilari and Yli35 (orange)
Chez Victoire: Nostos Assyrtico
Bistro Sofia: Petali red and Sera red
Quebec city:
Le Mezzé - taverna grecque: Papargyriou blanc, Le Vigneron Grec, Diamantopetra white and Moschopolis 6
La Gaspésienne 51: Vorinos, Petali red, Moschopolis 6 and Aiora Malagousia Amphora
La Planque: Petali rouge, Le Vigneron Grec and Psithiros
Chez Rioux et Pettigrew: Great Hawk and Petali white
St-Charles Café Bistro: Vidiano and Aiora white
Val David:
Station B: Petali red and Sera white
Les Enflammés: Nostos Romeïko, Papargyriou blanc, Moschopolis 6, Aiora Malagousia Amphora, Diamantopetra white, Petali white and red, Rapsani, Prinos rosé
Bistro Kapzak: Rapsani, Nostos Romeïko, Vorinos, An rosé, Aiora white and Aiora Malagousia Amphora
Restaurant Delos: Le Vigneron Grec, Diamantopetra white, Rapsani, Petali red, Sera red, Prinos rosé, Le Roi des Montagnes cuvée, Nostos Romeïko and Tsikoudia
Bistro Koz: Nostos Romeïko, The Black Daphne and Rapsani Old vines
Bistro 4 Saisons: Vidiano
Le SeaFlower: Papargyriou blanc and Petali red
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